This meeting represents the culmination of an intense, year-long collaboration among global leaders in cartilage repair of the ankle to develop consensus on key focus areas within the field. This first-of-its-kind effort has assembled orthopaedic surgeons, physical therapists, radiologists and basic scientists from 26 countries/territories and 6 continents to provide evidence-based and/or expert recommendations on the diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, and follow-up for a common and difficult clinical problem.
Pittsburgh Hosts
MaCalus V. Hogan
Christopher D. Murawski
Organizing Team
James D. F. Calder - UK
Pieter D’Hooghe - Qatar
Richard D. Ferkel - USA
John G. Kennedy - USA
Gino M.M.J. Kerkhoffs - Netherlands
Jin Woo Lee - South Korea
Hélder Pereira - Portugal
James W. Stone - USA
Masato Takao - Japan
Please click HERE for more information.
Location and Address
University Club
123 University Place
Pittsburgh, PA 15260